Jakarta spa is the best spa resources in Jakarta City of Indonesia. And also talk about health, beauty, mesotherapy, chiropractic, massage, relaxation, traditional treatments, and its places.

Mandi Susu Di Rumah

Para wanita cantik mandi susu di rumah disertai mandi air hangat, yang bahan-bahan lain juga ditambahkan. Umumnya, beberapa cangkir susu yang ditambahkan ke bak mandi, serta menenangkan kulit-bahan termasuk gandum, madu, garam laut atau rumput laut. Aromatik seperti lavender, minyak esensial atau tanaman lain juga dapat ditambahkan.

Jenis susu yang digunakan umumnya tergantung pada area geografis di mana mandi sedang dipersiapkan. Mandi susu Cleopatra dikatakan telah dibuat dengan susu dari seekor keledai. Susu dari kambing, domba, sapi, kuda atau bahkan susu bubuk dapat ditambahkan ke mandi susu Anda.

Lemak dan vitamin alami ditemukan dalam susu juga bermanfaat untuk kulit Anda.

Cara Bekerja
Manfaat mandi susu membuat kulit terasa lebih lembut dan lebih elastis. Hal ini karena asam laktat dalam susu bertindak dengan cara yang sama dengan asam alpha hydroxy ditemukan pada high-end krim kulit. Zat ini melarutkan protein yang mengikat sel-sel kulit mati. Sebuah mandi susu dalam kombinasi dengan loofah pengelupasan akan meninggalkan kulit terasa lembut dan segar.

Referensi Terkenal
Selain Cleopatra, wanita terkenal lainnya sepanjang sejarah telah pendukung mandi susu. Elizabeth I dan Elisabeth dari Bavaria keduanya keindahan besar yang dicintai untuk menenangkan kulit mereka dengan mandi susu.

Manfaat Kesehatan
Namun, orang mengklaim bahwa mandi susu juga dapat menenangkan bagi mereka yang menderita kondisi kulit seperti eksim atau psoriasis.

Dengan scenting mandi susu Anda dengan minyak esensial, Anda dapat menggunakan mandi susu Anda untuk memberi energi atau bersantai. Minyak esensial jeruk dan energi termasuk bergamot. Minyak esensial yang membantu Anda untuk bersantai termasuk lavender dan cendana.

Mandi Susu Di Rumah bisa anda nikmati kapan pun di rumah nyaman asri anda.
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Parcel Lebaran Yang Membuat Semua Orang Bahagia

Semua orang mencintai bingkisan parsel - terutama musim khusus atau acara-acara seperti ulang tahun dan parcel lebaran. Toko supermarket atau hypermarket besar melakukan promosi menderu di dalamnya - fokus kepada produk Hampers untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan ide-ide apa yang harus dimasukkan ke produk tersebut.

Sebenarnya membuat Hampers bisa dengan biaya yang sangat kecil dan barang di dalamnya dapat dibeli secara massal atau dibuat di rumah untuk menurunkan biaya. Namun, anda bisa membuat harga jual setinggi yang Anda inginkan, jadi ini adalah potensi pendapatan yang luar biasa jika Anda bisa melakukannya dengan benar.

Jika Anda memiliki ide-ide kreatif mengalir melalui Anda, ini bisa menjadi sesuatu yang Anda lakukan untuk menyibukkan diri di malam hari - atau membuat untuk memesan. Akan selalu ada keinginan untuk hadiah seperti parcel lebaran 2011, tetapi Anda harus memiliki sesuatu yang membuat mereka terpisah dari kerumunan produk lainnya. Mungkin Anda bisa membuat Hampers spesifik (parsel lebaran berisi makanan atau pecah belah), atau membuat Hampers hanya dari makanan buatan sendiri yang telah Anda buat di rumah.

Pikirkan tentang siapa Anda akan menjual Parcel Idul Fitri Anda untuk. Kemungkinan bahwa Anda terlebih dahulu akan menjual secara lokal, bahkan mungkin keluarga dan teman - sehingga Anda harus berpikir tentang apa yang orang-orang di daerah Anda mungkin ingin melihat dalam keranjang. Jika Anda tinggal di sebuah desa negara, maka produk buatan sendiri seperti selai dan kue kemungkinan untuk menjual lebih baik dari keranjang dikemas dengan hadiah Natal baru. Tanyakan teman-teman dan keluarga seperti apa barang yang mereka ingin menerima dalam keranjang, dan lihatlah setiap toko makanan di daerah Anda yang mungkin menjual mereka untuk melihat apa yang mereka miliki di tawarkan. Juga melihat secara online dan di toko-toko untuk melihat apa yang mereka dimasukkan ke dalam Hampers mereka.

Jika Anda berencana untuk menjual makanan buatan sendiri bahwa Anda telah dimasak di rumah Anda sendiri maka Anda mungkin harus mendapatkan daftar belanja di dapur Anda. Sebelum Anda memajang atau menjual barang-barang paket, berbicara dengan otoritas lokal Anda untuk memeriksa peraturan di daerah Anda. Anda dapat mencari rincian kontak lokal Anda dewan abjad dengan mengklik di sini. Artikel kami pada membuat dan menjual kue dan kemacetan memiliki informasi lebih lanjut tentang peraturan kebersihan makanan.

Setelah Anda memiliki ide yang masuk akal tentang apa yang Anda inginkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam Hampers Anda, saatnya untuk menemukan versi termurah dari produk dan wadah dan dekorasi untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda. Dengan membeli barang dalam jumlah besar Anda menyimpan banyak uang sehingga mendaftar dengan uang tunai lokal Anda dan membawa manfaat dari harga mereka lebih murah. Anda mungkin tidak selalu menaruh semua barang-barang ke dalam satu Hampers tetapi cara ini Anda dapat mencampur dan mencocokkan untuk membuat berbagai desain.

Jika Anda memutuskan untuk serius melakukan Hampers maka mencari secara online untuk grosir dari item Anda tertarik (mungkin Anda akan untuk produk mandi atau kaleng dan botol makanan). Banyak grosir minta bukti bahwa Anda wiraswasta, sehingga untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari transaksi grosir paling Anda akan perlu untuk mendapatkan diri Anda terdaftar sebagai orang bisnis / wiraswasta kecil dengan HMRC.

Jika kita memiliki tidak terdaftar apa yang Anda inginkan maka cukup ketik di Google: grosir [nama produk] dan harus datang dengan daftar website grosir yang memiliki apa yang Anda butuhkan. Pastikan untuk berbelanja di sekitar sebagai kesepakatan pertama Anda datang mungkin terlihat menggoda, tapi kemungkinan Anda akan dapat menemukan lebih murah di tempat lain.

Presentasi parcel lebaran ini sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa orang akan membeli ini Hampers sebagai hadiah untuk keluarga dan teman mereka, sehingga mereka akan ingin mereka terlihat rapi. Jika seorang pelanggan kagum dengan Hampers pasokan pertama Anda, mereka jauh lebih mungkin untuk membeli dari Anda lagi. Jangan pergi ke atas dengan hiasan. Beberapa merobek-robek untuk mengisi ruang-ruang kosong, pembungkus plastik dan busur yang sempurna. Jika Anda ingin menambahkan sedikit lebih banyak kemewahan anda bisa mengikat pita sekitar hak Hampers (ini juga merupakan trik yang baik untuk menyembunyikan bunching dari plastik) atau Anda bisa drop beberapa digagalkan coklat untuk menutupi ruang kosong. Kesederhanaan adalah kunci untuk dekorasi parcel lebaran.

Pastikan untuk praktek desain Anda beberapa kali sebelum Anda pak atas Hampers Anda dan kapal mereka. Membuat Hampers sempurna adalah seni, dan itu akan membawa Anda sedikit waktu untuk mendapatkan yang benar jadi jangan panik jika saat pertama kali Anda mencobanya, terlihat seperti kekacauan besar! Hanya terus menata ulang item sampai mereka cocok.
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Yoga Sex Positions for Better Sex

Yoga Sex Positions for Better Sex

Double the pleasure of practicing yoga with your man is like foreplay, says Jacquie Noelle Greaux, author of the Better Sex Through Yoga video series. "You start to breathe together, sweat together and advance together. It will synchronize your energy." Some work on the ground can be more sex-fantasy as well. Yoga sparks creativity, "says Fowler." Women are not afraid of a tree man, they want an explorer and yoga invites you to explore. "

Take yoga one step further to really help them focus on having better sex. To this end, we all together in this book offers a variety of other forms of exercise and physical activity. We have carefully considered the merits of many different types of techniques of body / mind, practices and attitudes have on your body and your sex life and have developed this new formula for a better sex life:

Yoga + Pilates + Chakra Balancing = Your Ticket to a New Sex Life!

Yoga is the foundation of better sex through yoga practice, which provides strength, endurance, speed, wind, and the key to sexual control.

By focusing on core abdominal muscles (ABS), the better sex through yoga, Pilates develops the great awakening, strengthening and relaxing your sexual core. Pilates is a system of original exercises developed by Joseph Pilates to strengthen their base safely. Some exercises are done on the ground (APU operation), while others are performed on special Pilates instructors. style of intellectual movements, Pilates is now used as a preventive dancers, athletes and others to prevent injuries. Dancers may be more aware than most people that a strong core is critical to the strength of the grace and strength are important for great sex, too.

Chakra Balancing
How acupuncture points, chakras are energy centers located throughout the body that transmit and receive energy, called a (More on this in Chapter 3). If you are sick, or maybe they do not want to have sex, the chakras are in balance means that the energy, including sexual energy can not flow properly. Yoga helps to restore the chakras and stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body for optimum satisfaction.

Yoga helps to improve the sensitivity of the sensitivity of the right people. The breathing exercises help a person overcome their anxiety, and engage in sex with a new dynamic. If a person is free from tension and stress, which actively participates in sexual activities. In addition to yoga to improve understanding between himself and the environment as a strong person and a better understanding of the needs of others.

Better orgasm
Yoga helps you achieve better orgasms. The most important thing is to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and sex organs. More yoga asanas can help better use of sexual energy. Because yoga also helps relieve stress, but also allows you to release muscle tension, which in turn helps to increase flexibility.

Knowledge and experience will help you know more sexual positions most yoga positions. But many are not able to perform a rigid body and lax. Later, helps muscle tone and flexibility to experiment with yoga in order to achieve these positions.

The simple yoga improves your sex life while breathing normally and breathing noise alternates. This breathing exercise will help you take advantage of sexual activity and allows you to enjoy sex. This will relax you and put you in the mood to have and enjoy sex.

Better sex yoga position, in the ancient times yogis practiced abstinence, can all of this energy is directed towards the development of yoga and spiritual. Food for thought: How could these guys supposedly rational, it has done so badly? Today yoga lovers are more time means more than the carpet, and hotter-time reveling in a new body tone.
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Benefit of Kegel Exercises for Woman

Who can benefit from Kegel exercises?
Kegels exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the bladder, vagina, uterus and rectum.

Kegel exercises are a great idea for all women. "Everyone should do," said Dr. Huang. Women benefit from exercise Kegel, regardless of age and medical history, but for women of individual items, Kegel exercises is extremely important.

To learn more about the benefits, how to do Kegel exercises, and who should do Kegel exercises a part of their daily lives.

Kegel exercises are particularly useful to the following groups of women:

  • Women who are pregnant and post-partum. "All women who are pregnant or who have just had a baby should do Kegels," Huang says. Kegel exercises help tone loose vaginal muscles for women who have just had a baby. And for women who are preparing for delivery, keeping their pelvic muscles strong can help prevent urine leakage at the end of pregnancy, a common complaint, and can make the later months of pregnancy a more comfortable experience in general.
  • Women who have urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is defined as the loss of bladder control. There are many types of urinary incontinence, and Kegel exercises can be helpful for some of them. Talk with your doctor to see if Kegel exercises would help your incontinence.
  • Women who want to prevent a prolapsed uterus. A "prolapsed uterus" describes a condition that occurs when a woman's uterus starts to slip down from its usual place inside the body, through the cervix and into the vagina. A prolapsed uterus is less likely to occur in women with strong pelvic floor muscles. Women who have delivered children vaginally and postmenopausal women are at higher risk of developing uterine prolapse.
  • Women with jobs that require heavy lifting. Women should do Kegel exercises if they have careers in industries that require heavy lifting, such as delivery and manufacturing. Huang has recommended Kegel exercise to several patients who work for delivery companies, saying that "the lifting and straining required by these jobs can sometimes lead to prolapse."
  • Healthy women who are not pregnant. As we age, our muscles tend to loose tone and become weaker, and the vaginal muscles are not exempt. But the good news is that we can minimize this with regular Kegel exercise.

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy
Kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowels. By strengthening these muscles during your pregnancy, you can develop the ability to relax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth. Kegel exercises are also highly recommended during the postpartum period to promote the healing of perineal tissues, increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and help these muscles return to a healthy state, and also increase urinary control.

To do Kegels, imagine you are trying to stop the flow of urine or trying not to pass gas. When you do this, you are contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor and are practicing Kegel exercises. While doing Kegel exercises, try not to move your leg, buttock, or abdominal muscles. In fact, no one should be able to tell that you are doing Kegel exercises. So you can do them anywhere!

We recommend doing five sets of Kegel exercises a day. Each time you contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, hold for a slow count of five and then relax. Repeat this ten times for one set of Kegels.

3 Tips to Help Make Kegel Exercises a Habit
The most effective exercises are the ones you do regularly. To help you get into the rhythm of doing Kegels, try these simple tips:

  • Stay consistent. Do your Kegel exercises at the same time each day -- maybe first thing in the morning, while brushing your teeth, and as you watch the nightly news.
  • Remember the benefits. If you keep up with Kegels, they can really make a difference in your urinary incontinence.
  • Pay attention to progress. Over time, you’ll notice your urinary incontinence is improving. Maybe you’re having fewer leaks, or are leaking less.
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Exercise Program During Pregnancy

What is an exercise program during pregnancy?

Always start by warming up for five minutes and stretch for five minutes. Include cardiovascular activity at least fifteen minutes. Measure your heart rate during peak periods. Track your aerobic activity with five to ten minutes from the end of the year getting slower with a slight stretch.

Total Fitness, an exercise program during pregnancy should strengthen muscles and condition.

Here are some basic guidelines for pregnant women:
  • Wear loose, comfortable and good support.
  • Choose shoes that are designed for the type of exercise you do. Good shoes are the best protection against injury.
  • The exercise on a flat surface to avoid injury.
  • enough calories to meet their pregnancy (300 more calories per day before pregnancy) and your training program.
  • Finish eating at least one hour before exercise.
  • Drink water before, during and after training.
  • After doing floor exercises, get up slowly and slowly to avoid dizziness.
  • Never exercise to the point of exhaustion. If you can not talk normally during exercise, is likely to struggle a lot and is expected to facilitate the task.

What changes can affect the pregnancy period?

Physical changes during pregnancy create extra demands on your body. Given the changes below, remember that you should listen to your body and regulate the activity or exercise routine, if necessary.

Baby development and other internal changes require more oxygen and energy.
The hormones produced during pregnancy because the ligaments that support the joints to stretch, which increases the risk of injury.
The extra weight and uneven weight distribution to move the center of gravity. Excess weight also puts pressure on joints and muscles of the lower back and pelvis and makes it easy to lose balance.

What exercises should be avoided during pregnancy?
Some exercises may be harmful in pregnancy when performing activities. They include:
  • Your breath holding in any activity.
  • (Such as skiing, horseback riding) hard work.
  • Basketball, football, basketball, volleyball and other contact sports.
  • Any exercise may cause mild abdominal trauma as well as activities involving sudden changes in direction of movement and jarring.
  • Jump to a wide range of activities that require jumping, jumping, running, skipping.
  • Bending the knees, a full sit-ups, double leg raises, straight leg toe touches.
  • Bounce while stretching.
  • Standing waist twisting motion.
  • Long-term intense exercise is followed by eruption activity.
  • Exercise under hot and humid weather.

Warning for pregnant women
Stop exercising and consult your health care provider if you:
  • Feel chest pain.
  • Abdominal pain, pelvic pain or persistent contractions.
  • Headache.
  • Notice of absence or reduction of fetal movements.
  • Vertigo, dizziness, nausea or dizziness.
  • Cold or wet.
  • vaginal bleeding.
  • In the flow of fluid from the vagina or a trickle of fluid flow is stable.
  • Notification of fast or irregular heartbeat.
  • There is a sudden swelling of the hands, ankles, face, or calf pain.
  • And shortness of breath.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • In weakness.
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Yoga Train Your Body to Stay Calm When Pregnant

Yoga Train Your Body to Stay Calm When Pregnant

Prenatal Yoga allows both mental and physical benefits during pregnancy. In one case, it is useful because it teaches you how to use breathing to calm the body and mind, factors will certainly be useful during childbirth. Learning to master the yoga postures taught in elementary schools prenatal childbirth, which facilitates the formation of her body to keep it fresh.

There are many yoga poses, in particular, especially for exercise during pregnancy and how you or the tailor. This seated position to open the pelvis. For what it is on, you sit straight against a wall with your feet touching the ground together, then gently press the knees down and away from each other. So, try to stay relevant as long as you feel comfortable.

It is a proper pelvic tilt position prenatal yoga, an approach that helps to relieve back pain. Put your hands and shoulders, knees apart, arms outstretched and knees hip width. Be sure to keep the arms extended; intensity in the abdominal muscles and tuck buttocks in and around your back, your breath while you do it.

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Satin Maternity Pillow Help Sleep During Pregnancy

Why pregnant women should sleep on the side? Their actually are a number of reasons why the side sleeping position is healthiest during pregnancy. It has mainly to do with keeping the weight of the uterus and the enlargement of the spine and organs.

For years, pregnant women were advised to sleep on my side. Easier said than done. Some women find this uncomfortable position, or it may be the next to wake up in the back. But the parent body of the pillow can not only help you sleep like a baby during pregnancy, it helps to stay in the right side sleeping position.

When you sleep on your back during pregnancy is the weight of the uterus on the spine. This leads to back pain and cramps. More dangerous is the weight of the child resides with the inferior vena cava. This large ship is responsible for transporting blood from the lower body. With the weight of the child in this large flow of venous blood and nutrients to the placenta is compromised.

Doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Why? Sleeping on the left side keeps the weight of the internal organs of the child. The liver, for example, is on the right side to sleep on the left hand pushes the weight of a child outside.

How you can help every body maternity pillow? These large bags are specially designed to meet the needs of pregnant women sleep. They are trained to help support the growing belly and helps the state and support for pregnant women sleep on the side, which is healthy for you and your child.

Even better Satin Pregnancy Pillow cradles the body cool and warm with a pregnant woman to sleep like a baby. So, not only a full body pillow, maternity support the position of good sleep can also help pregnant women sleep more comfortably.
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Providing Pregnancy Massage When Not Trained

Providing Pregnancy Massage When Not Trained

Pregnant woman should never sleep on your stomach. This is because the weight of the uterus is removed sacral ligaments mother (lower back) and cause pain in the back (and not what you are trying to do!)

Do not massage any woman who has less than 12 weeks of pregnancy because of increased risk of miscarriage. This is something that would have done, but for reasons of insurance to be safe. A woman who lost her baby after the massage is more likely to recognize and call it a bad relationship and cause someone to massage sore muscles strong.

It may be 13 to 22 weeks pregnant woman lying on his back with a pillow under the right side / rear, but any pregnant woman is more than 22 weeks should be excluded for more than three minutes. This can be backed seats, if you work on your forehead. Lie on your back, uterine weight after 22 weeks is too much pressure on the inferior vena cava (major vein that goes to the right column) and cause wheezing and maternal restriction of nutrients and oxygen to the child.

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Spa Kopi - Rileks Dimana Saja

Ada cara kreatif baru dalam menikmati kopi. Bubuk kopi tak lagi diseduh di cangkir, melainkan ditaburi di tubuh sebagai terapi spa. Kopi yang menggoda memang kurang baik untuk kesehatan jantung. Tapi kopi banyak manfaatnya untuk kecantikan kulit.

Bubuk kopi berkhasiat mengangkat sel kulit mati dan menghaluskan kulit. Cara ini sudah lama dilakukan oleh bangsa India dengan melulurkan kopi ke seluruh tubuh. Terapi yang berlangsung selama dua jam ini dilakukan di ruang perawatan yang dipayungi oleh atap alang-alang dan dikelilingi gorden putih.

Tahap pertama adalah pijat dan lulur tradisional. Otot-otot tubuh mulai dari jari jemari kaki hingga bagian pundak dan leher dilemaskan. Selanjutnya adalah melulur body scrub selama 10 menit menggunakan bubuk kopi. Kombinasi aroma kopi dan suara desiran ombak mampu menghadirkan suasana rileks di kepala. Lulur dengan menggunakan kopi mampu mengangkat sel kulit mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit baru.

Kopi juga diyakini bisa meluruhkan lemak dan selulit yang menumpuk di bawah kulit. Perawatan kulit dengan kopi ini juga bisa menghilangkan bau badan membandel. Aroma yang harum memberi efek relaks selama berlulur. Tak perlu repot ke salon atau spa, anda bisa melakukan sendiri di rumah.

Informasi dari Coffeelycious, penjual kopi luwak.
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Kopi Luwak - Kopi Terbaik Dunia

Campuran Kopi Terbaik dari seluruh Dunia

Kopi Luwak 
Kopi Luwak adalah kopi hasil fermentasi dalam pencernaan seekor hewan luwak. Pilihan pribadi roaster kita dari seluruh dunia untuk memberikan rasa, mulus memuaskan bertubuh penuh. Ini adalah nilai tanpa kompromi dari 100% biji kopi Arabika yang berasal dari Indonesia.

Euro Café Espresso 
Espresso adalah sulit untuk menentukan. Ini adalah panggang gelap, sebuah metode pembuatan bir yang memaksa air panas melalui kopi bubuk halus, dan bahkan masakan kopi yang hampir mencapai status kultus di lingkungan banyak. Café Euro adalah khusus campuran biji kopi Arabika, gelap dipanggang dan tanah yang sedikit kasar daripada kebanyakan espresso untuk pembuatan bir seragam lebih banyak di rumah. Ini adalah asam rendah namun memiliki rasa manis pahit kaya-bahwa peminum espresso cinta.

Penikmat kopi banyak mempertimbangkan baik Hawaii Kona atau Blue Mountain Jamaika menjadi kopi terbaik di dunia. Perdebatan konstan tentang yang lebih baik adalah baik berjiwa tetapi sia-sia karena keduanya hebat. Kona dan Jamaica Blue Mountain adalah single-asal, "varietas" kopi. Seperti anggur merah besar Perancis, mereka memiliki kekuatan dan karakter untuk berdiri sendiri sebagai rasa luar biasa pengalaman menyenangkan. Tidak ada daerah berkembang lainnya secara konsisten dapat membuat klaim ini.
Namun saat ini Kopi Luwak adalah Kopi Terbaik Dunia dan Termahal karena rasa yang eksotik.

Kopi Murni Hawaii 
Sebuah kopi gourmet benar tumbuh sepenuhnya di Hawaii dan dianggap sebagai salah satu kopi utama dunia. Tumbuh di kaya, tanah vulkanik dalam iklim indah unik, cenderung dan mengangkat dengan tangan. Tidak diragukan lagi salah satu kopi terbaik di dunia! Sebuah rasa yang kaya halus, elegan dan sempurna seimbang. Bila Anda menggiling dan minuman ini kacang besar, Anda akan mengalami sebuah aroma dan rasa yang murni surga.

100% Kona
Dari Kabupaten Kona di Hawaii Big Island. (100% - bukan campuran.) Certified Kona dianggap oleh para pecinta banyak orang sebagai kenikmatan kopi utama. Sebuah kopi dengan karakter Kona terkenal di dunia, rasa, penuh kaya dengan tingkat keasaman seimbang, aroma besar dan kepahitan menyelesaikan panjang kurang. Tidak diragukan lagi salah satu kopi terbaik di dunia!

100% Peaberry Kona
Sampanye kopi Kona! Ini adalah yang paling eksklusif dari semua biji dengan hanya 5% dari tanaman menghasilkan Peaberry. Daripada dua biji untuk cherry, Peaberry diproduksi bila hanya satu oval kacang kompak berkembang hingga jatuh tempo. Peaberry sangat berharga untuk kelancaran rasa, penuh dan kandungan asam yang rendah. Rasa dalam kacang kecil hanya lebih terkonsentrasi sehingga rasa Kona melompat keluar tepat pada Anda!

100% bersertifikat Jamaica Blue Mountain
Hanya tumbuh di daerah khusus yang ditunjuk Blue Mountains Jamaika. Kopi legendaris ini memiliki warna hijau biru, keasaman yang baik, aroma intens, tubuh yang baik, dan merasa bersih. Seringkali pasokan pendek, tahun ini sangat langka karena badai musim dingin lalu. Kami biasanya memiliki beberapa tersedia, tetapi dalam jumlah yang lebih kecil. Silahkan hubungi atau [email] untuk harga.
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