Dr. Irzan Nurman, is a physician who study the science of medical acupuncture which then provides services Aesthetic Acupuncture, Aesthetic Laserpuncture, and Body Acupuncture SlimFit. He spent three years explore the science of acupuncture beijing, shanghai in China to Amsterdam, Netherlands.
He kindly providing health consultation about the ideal body so full of beauty and health. He also is the best doctor who can provide advice in losing weight to achieve optimal limits. Trust your ideal body treatment to dr. Irzan Nurman.
Dr. Fitria Agustina, a reliable dermatologist who can you rely on to provide a comprehensive beauty treatments. She is very friendly and informative, too painstaking in examining every inch of your skin problems.
For women who are always concerned about the beauty and the beauty of the skin, from the face to the whole body can trust all the skin care doctor.
For aesthetic beauty care services, you can find such treatments Facial Treatment, Transepidermal Vitamin C, Breast Treatment, Body Treatment. Coupled with a modern extra care involving the latest skin care technologies such as Chemical Peeling, Microdermabrasion (Diamond Peel Plus), Injection (Filler, Botox Whitening, Acne), Electrocauter, Mesotherapy.
You do not need to worry about treatment failure problem, because the dr. Fitria've got the certification of each type of treatment offered.
Find their "Klinik Kecantikan":
Jl. Kramat Raya 31
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 2300323
Pesan bunga papan untuk ucapan selamat dan sukses kepada rekan bisnis Anda.
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